It's also relatively easy to
set up your Web site using
Dreamweaver CS5:
See: DW_Setup.htm
You can also use FireFTP to,
upload your files to your remote server. FireFTP is an Add-on to Firefox. (To install, just do a search for FireFTP.)
1. Create a folder on your computer for your Web site - preferably in the My Documents/My Web Sites folder.
Name it: yourSiteName: type yourSiteName not "yourSiteName" :-)
2. Open the yourSiteName folder and create an images folder in yourSiteName
3. Open Expression Web and click Site > Open Site >
[Browse] to your site >
Click [Open] and click [Open] again
(The dialog window may only show your images folder.)
4. Click Site > Site Settings > Publishing tab > [Add] >
A. Enter yourSiteName for the Name textbox
B. Enter your FTP address for the Location textbox.
(In Directory textbox you may have to enter public_html)
C. Enter your FTP User name and Password
(Not your GoDaddy account ID number and password)
D. Click [Add] and [OK]
1. Right-click on the filename tab on the top of the editor window.
2. Choose Publish Current File...
1. Click on the Site View tab.
2. Select and right-click on the file(s) that you want to publish.
3. Choose Publish Selected Files...
1. Type your domain name in the URL address bar of your browser
2. Add a slash and your file name to the end of your domain.
In the end, the root folder of your Web site should look like this:
images Folder (All images go here)