You can also use FireFTP to
upload your files to your remote server. FireFTP is an Add-on to Firefox. (To install, just do a search for FireFTP.)
File > New > Blank Page >
In the New Document window make the following selections:
Page Type: HTML
Layout: 2 column fixed, left sidebar, header and footer
(or choose your preferred CSS layout.)
DocType: HTML5
Layout CSS: Create New File
Then press the [Create] Button.
Dreamweaver will create two files:
Untitled-1.htm and an associated file named twoColFixLtHdr.css.
(You can also click the Get More Content... link at the bottom and type templates in the Search box to find free Dreamweaver Templates to download.)
1. Create a folder on your computer for your Web site
Name it: yourSiteName: type yourSiteName not "yourSiteName" :-)
2. Open the yourSiteName folder and create an images folder in yourSiteName
3. Open Dreamweaver and clickSite > New Site
Under Site (on left)
A. Enter local folder path
ex: c:\data\yourSiteName
5. Under Servers (on left)
A. Click [+]
B. Enter FTP address
C. Enter Username
D. Enter Password
1. Select the file you want to FTP to your remote server.
2. Click the green up arrow on grey bar above the code window.
1. Type your domain name in the URL address bar of your browser
2. Add a slash and your file name to the end of your domain.
In the end, the root folder of your Web site should look like this:
images Folder (All images go here)