Client-Side Demo Form by Floyd Winters
12/05/05, 04/15/06
High School College      Grad School
(You may have to click OK to Continue and Yes to Send)
  (You must have a working Email account on this machine to Submit)
1. With Dreamweaver - Position cursor inside Body, from the Forms tab, click the Form Icon
A sample action="" A sample method="post"
Ex: <form action=" Request" method="post" enctype="text/plain" name="Quote_Request">
2. Add at least a two column table between the Form Tags
3. In the 1st column enter Field labels (such as Name, Email, City...)
4. In the 2nd column, click on desired form icons to associate with labels, ex: Text Field or Check Box
(Right-click on List boxes to add Options: List Values. Ex: a list of Cities)
5. Add Reset and Submit buttons when done (click the Buttton icon)
6. When finished with the form, select the Submit button, click Windows, Behavoirs, choose Validate Form
7. Save the Form and FTP it to your Web site