Free Web Page Templates

By Floyd Jay Winters 03/31/2011, Revised 07/22/2023

Background Info and Basic Directions

WAIT!!! Do NOT use a template until AFTER the midpoint of the class. It is important that you go through all of the stages of setting up a Web page and a Web site first. You must understand HTML code and CSS styles before you are able to make all your desired modifications to a fully customizable template. You will cripple yourself in this class if you use a template before the Midterm. I can recognize most templates and I will not accept your early work if you use a template for the first half of the course.

It is relatively easy to copy the content (the text and images) from your first 8 weeks of work into a new template.

Also sometimes, it is easier to just start over; what may have taken 8 weeks while you were learning may only take a few hours to completely redo - and it may end up much better.

You can use one of the free template sites listed below or do a Web Search on "Free Web Page Templates." You may choose to use all or only part of the template - such as only the Masthead or the Nav.

Use a template that can be easily modified using the assignments given and tools provided in class - so that the template is truly customizable - ANY way YOU want.

What I would suggest if you use a free online template is:
Preview it, Copy it, and Save it - so you know exactly what you have.

  1. Make a folder called YourNewSite and make an images folder inside YourNewSite
  2. Choose the option to Preview the online template
  3. Right-click and View Source - if the code looks like the "well-formed" code we have used in our class -
    Copy the source HTML code, paste it to Notepad or Visual Code, and save it to the YourNewSite folder
  4. Right-click and View Source and double click the css file to open it.  (The CSS file link is in the <head> section.)
    A sample is: <link href="abcSite.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    1. Select All (Ctrl + A) and Copy (Ctrl  + C) the css stylesheet.
    2. Paste it to Notepad or Visual Code, and save the CSS file to the YourNewSite folder
  5. Right-click on any images that you may want to temporarily use - and Save As to the NewSite images subfolder
    (You may have to use the CSS file to find the image name and path of some images, especially Nav bar images.)
  6. Finally, someplace on your page - give credit to the person who gave you the template:
    Ex: <!-- Original template from, but modified by me -->
  7. Now customize the template to do what you want - experiment and play!

Some Free Web Page Template Links

Do not pick the first template you like - browse through several sites first so that you might pick the best template.

Look for more "Free Web page templates" on the Web.
W3Schools Templates/  <!-- Always a great source of information -->
Bootstrap Templates/  <!-- Excellent templates -->
2820Web/SamplesCSS_Styles/  <!-- Simple all-in-one CSS code by F J Winters -->  <!-- A favorite: clean, simple, well-formed code -->  <!-- Stylish -->  <!-- May need to use Developer tools to see CSS -->