Upload Your Photo and Profile to Canvas (extra credit)
The Canvas Learning Management Suite allows users to upload a personal photo to their profile. This can help online classes feel more like face-to-face classes and also helps teachers better recognize their students.
First: make sure your photo is not too large. A good size is about 300 x 300 pixels wide and less than 30K (see below). Photos from today’s digital cameras may be over 3000 pixels wide and over 3MB in size. See Cropping and Resizing below. Crop your photo so it not too large and YOU are recognizable. Only a Head Shot of you, so we can recognize you, just as if you were in class. No drawings, scenic pictures or group photos.
To set your Canvas Personal Preferences and upload your Photo:
- Log on to Canvas
- Click on your account icon located in the top left-hand corner of Canvas
- Then click the "Profile" link and click on the icon for your photo
- You should Resize the photo (keep it about 300 pixels wide) so that it is not too large (see below). Also Crop the photo as a HEAD SHOT so you are recognizable
- Like all assignments, you must submit to the Photo Assignment Dropbox in order for me to know you are done and so I have something to assign a grade to. In this case you can submit a note or a copy of the photo to the Assignment Dropbox.
* Reminder: Do not upload a photo directly from a digital camera. If you paste original images into any file, the file will become huge. Today's cellphone photos and screen captures have large file sizes.
Some numbers: Say the picture from your high-resolution digital camera is 3000 pixels wide and you want to insert a small picture into the corner of your document. When you insert a 3000-pixel 2MB image into your document, you just increased a file that might have been 100K to a file size of over 2 or 3MB (2,000K-3,000K). Add a second image and it is now about 4MB to 6MB. If you use the resizing handles to make these huge pictures small enough to fit on the page the file size is still 4MB in size, because what you really did was to make the images appear smaller, but they still retain their bit size. However, if you resize an image before you insert it, you will greatly reduce your file size. Perhaps you might choose to make it a more reasonable 300 pixels wide. 300 is 1/10 of the width of 3000, but also 1/10 of the height as well and consequently you can actually make the file size nearly 100 times smaller.
CROPPING: You can crop a photo several ways. Virtually all smartphone, photo or paint Editors have a Cropping tool. In Microsoft Paint (Start > Paint) there is a crop icon on the Home tab.
RESIZING: Most paint programs have a resize option – In the most recent version of Windows Paint (Start > Paint) click the [Home] tab, there is a Resize icon. Other programs, such as PhotoShop, may simply be Image > Resize
If you do not know what Paint programs you have on your computer – locate your image or photo file in the Windows Explorer, then right-click it and choose Open With – a list of Paint and Image programs on your machine will appear.