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  Web Development
#14 Grading Criteria for:
Extra Credit: Include files and Server-Side scripting languages such as ASP and PHP. 30 points maximum.

Description: JavaScript (for Slideshows, Pop-up messages, Date displays, and Swap images...) uses Client Side scripts to allow Dynamic Interaction on the local Client computer.
PHP (.php), ASP (.asp or .aspx), and Cold Fusion (.cfm) are Server-Side scripting languages for Dynamically created Webpages on a Web server. You can view .htm and .js files locally. However, you cannot view .php, .cfm, or .aspx files locally without special software installed on your computer.

Short Interactive Tutorials:

W3Schools PHP Intro:

W3Schools PHP Intro 2:

W3Schools PHP Syntax tutorial:

W3Schools PHP Comments tutorial:

W3Schools PHP Echo tutorial:

Note: WordPress is written in Php. So, if you did your last assignments in WordPress, you will not be able to get extra credit for this Php assignment unless you work with your original HTML files. You can rename your original index.htm to home.php (index.php is a WordPress file) and then convert your original HTML pages and Navigation links to PHP, as discussed below.

Include file: A server-side file that can be "included" in multiple web pages, so if the external include file is modified, all of the other web pages that contain the include link are also immediately modified. An example might be an include Footer with your contact email, phone, and a Last Modified Date script - one file that works on all pages. Another example may be an include Nav bar, so that if you add a link to the Nav include file, all the other pages will immediately have access to it through their <nav> element.
Sample code added to the <body> tag for the Include Nav bar: <?php include ("nav.php"); ?>

Let's assume you have a webpage named newsletter.php.
And assume that newsletter.php has a single line of php code to call an include file called nav.php.
If you right-click the webpage in a browser and view the source code online for newsletter.php:
* all the php code from both files would be converted to HTML code, and
* both files would be combined,
* it would appear as if they were one seamless HTML file, instead of two separate files (newsletter.php and nav.php).
* but you will not see the php include line that was added to newsletter.php

PHP Videos

So you do not risk messing up your current site, and to see how server side Include files work:
Make a new folder called /php
, copy all of your HTML files there and follow the directions below.

PHP Tutorials below

Interactive W3Schools PHP Tutorials

PHP.net to Download

Download XAMPP for PHP
X for Cross-Platform, A for Apache, M for MYSQL, and the Ps for PHP and Perl.
XAMPP helps a local host test its server-side script locally.

Topic Directions Points
Add a Php Include File that works with multiple pages.

Note: You can view .htm and .js files locally on a "client" computer. However, you cannot view the results of .php, .asp, or .cfm, code locally without special software, such as XAMPP (cross-platform, Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl) installed on your local or client computer.

If you open a web page with Include files in your browser and click View Source, the web server will convert all the include lines into pure HTML, so you will not see the php code or true local source code.

1. Make a folder on your site called /php
Copy your image folder and all of your files to the new php folder.
Rename all copied html files from .htm to .php
2. Copy all your navigation code lines in index.php to a new page and save it as nav.php
Below is the sample of all the code in the new nav.php file:
<a href="index.php">Home</a>
<a href="Resume.php">Resume</a>
<a href="PFolio.php">Portfolio</a>
<a href="Contact.php">Contact</a>

3. Replace all your navigation code in index.php and resume.php... with
<?php include ("nav.php"); ?>
4. Upload your files to the php folder
5. Test by going to http://yourDomain/php/
6. Upload to the assignment dropbox the php URL: http://yourDomain/php/
For a online chapter on PHP include files see:

To see how to add an ASP Include file:

<!--#include file ="somefilename"-->

See SamplesHTMLcode/IncludeFiles/

In Dreamweaver click Insert | Server-Side Include

Basic Include File Directions:
1. Create your Include File - for instance, if you are working in php, build a nav.php (I suggest you simply copy your Navigation code from your index.htm file and save those few lines in a separate file named nav.php)
2. Replace your navigation code in index.htm with one of the include calls below:
<?php include ("nav.php"); ?>      : PHP
<!--#include file="nav.htm"-->    : SHTML
<!--#include file ="nav.aspx"-->  : ASP
<cfinclude template = "nav.cfm">  : Cold Fusion
3. Appropriately rename index.htm as index.php or index.shtml or index.cfm (in the end you will rename Contact.htm to Contact.php and replace your nav code with:
<?php include ("nav.php"); ?> 
And then do the same for the new Resume.php, Portfolio.php...
(If you use any php code on a web page, you need a .php extension, and the same for .asp, .cfm...)
4. Typically, you cannot view server-side script files on the client (local machine) so you will probably have to upload your files to test them.

Up to 30 points
Well laid out

Add at least two include files, such as header.php, nav.php, and footer.php

For an online eBook on PHP see: 0ClassFolders/2820Web/eBook-Springer/PHP/

Below is a very short working PHP example to show today's date.
<?php echo date("m-d-y"); ?>
echo 'PHP Date Demo
echo date("m-d-y");
A webmaster can create or download a PHP script to calculate something.

Below is a simple PHP calculation routine:
$width = "60";
$height = "20";
echo "If Height=60px and Width=20px, then area is ";
echo "$width * $height px";

You can install a PHP web server, go to
Create a PHP folder
images     [Dir]
  30 points maximum